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teeth with whitening tray

Who’s on your gift list this Christmas season? Your spouse, the kids, mom, dad, the boss, your secretary, the postal carrier, the garbage collector—everyone except for you! This year give yourself a gift that will make you smile. Literally. If you’ve been wanting to straighten your teeth, then make this the year that you do something about it. With Invisalign, Smiles of Valparaiso in Valparaiso, IN, can discreetly align your teeth so you have a beautifully straight smile.

Instead of the metal brackets and wires that are typical with traditional braces, Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners to straighten teeth. With these clear braces, Valparaiso smiles can go from crooked to straight in about one year, which means that you could have the smile you’ve long wanted in time for Christmas next year! And while a year may seem like a long time, it pales when you consider that you’ll be able to enjoy a lifetime of straight teeth.

Invisalign can be used to correct a number of alignment concerns, including:

  • Overbites
  • Open bites
  • Crossbites
  • Underbites
  • Protruding teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Teeth with wide gaps between them

Most people do qualify for orthodontic treatment with Invisalign, but let one of the dentists at Smiles of Valparaiso make that important determination for certain.

Choose Invisalign, Valparaiso

Your Smiles of Valparaiso dentist will work closely with the Invisalign lab to design your customized aligners. With x-rays, impressions, and photo images, a treatment plan is created that essentially maps out your orthodontic treatment step-by-step. In turn, your aligners are designed to match each step and methodically advance your smile toward better alignment.

Your aligners are arranged in a series of sets, one for the top arch and one for the bottom. Start with the first set and move through the rest in sequence, wearing each for about two weeks. Invisalign clear braces are removable, so you’ll be able to maintain your daily brushing and flossing routine. In addition, because you remove your aligners to eat, you can enjoy all of your favorite foods, including those that are forbidden with traditional braces—popcorn, chewy candy, and hard nuts. As you progress from one set of aligners to the next, you’ll see your straight smile appear.

Call Our Office Today

Go ahead—give yourself a gift this year. With Invisalign, Valparaiso, you’ll have the straight smile you’ve always wanted. With offices in Valparaiso, IN, we also conveniently serve people from Portage, Porter, La Porte, Michigan City, and Wheeler and nearby NWI cities.