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Orthodontic treatment is a wonderful service provided by many dental professionals. Straightening the teeth is a fantastic way to conservatively improve one’s smile and make chewing more efficient. Traditional braces have been very effective for a long time, but Invisalign usage has also become a very attractive option for many people.

Many patients – especially adults – don’t want to have metal brackets and wires in their mouths to move their teeth. They are often concerned about esthetics during the treatment process. Another common concern is the potential for abrasions or ulcerations on the inside of the mouth from the braces.

Invisalign minimizes these concerns with the use of clear “aligners” that are custom-fit to the teeth, are very esthetic, and aren’t as likely to rub the inside of the mouth. These aligners are similar to rigid bleaching trays, and they gradually move the teeth to more desirable positions. Each aligner is worn for two weeks and moves the teeth slightly until the final positions are attained.

Because patients remove the aligners before eating or drinking, there are no food restrictions or problems with brushing or flossing. Patients are usually seen only once every six weeks to check on the progress and to receive their next sets of aligners so they generally spend less time at the dental office.

Invisalign treatment generally costs between $5000 and $7000, but not everyone is a good candidate. Some people are still better served by traditional orthodontic techniques. You should consult with a certified Invisalign dentist or orthodontist to find out whether or not it will work for you.

The entire treatment plan is designed with 3-D computer imaging from the initial teeth positioning all the way until the desired final positions. This same 3-D imaging allows patients to preview the final positioning of teeth before even beginning treatment.

For information on this or any other dental topic, you may visit Dr. Arnold may be reached via e-mail at